Projekt startet af Karin & Cyril Alonso (P-U-R Vin) med beplanting af over 140 forskellige gamle druesorter, som indgår på forskellig vis i vinene! 

Availability: In stock In stock

Troye, Chaudenay & Bouze (!) med 13 dages maceration - uden tilsat svovl!

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 16 %

Availability: In stock In stock

Sammensmeltning af alle markens 108 forskellige druesorter! Uden tilsat svovl!

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 16 %

Availability: In stock In stock

Pinot Fin, Pinot Direct & Pinot Noir 'massale' fra 80 år gamle stokke! Uden tilsat svovl!

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 16 %

Availability: In stock In stock

Pinot Noir, Chardonnay Musqué & Picotin semi-carbonique - uden tilsat svovl!

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 16 %

Availability: In stock In stock

Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris & Plant Fin (stam-moder til Pinot) med 10 dages maceration i fade - uden tilsat svovl!

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 16 %

Availability: In stock In stock

31 forskellige varianter af Gamay, 8 mdr i amfora og uden tilsat svovl!

Quantity discount on this product - save up to 16 %

Availability: In stock In stock